Eutaw Place Median Park Public Art Project

In Spring of 2024, Midtown secured a $10,000 Project Planning Grant from the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) to fund community engagement sessions and explore the possibility of adding public art in Eutaw Place, based on requests from the Madison Park community. This project supported Midtown’s commitment to expanding economic development within its footprint through placemaking and public art, leveraging the cultural assets that make Midtown a vibrant place to live, work, and visit.

Eutaw Place, a cherished historic landmark, required that any potential public art respect its significant legacy. That’s why Midtown began with open dialogue to ensure every community member had an equal voice in the conversation.

During the community input sessions, participants were invited to share their ideas, stories, and suggestions for what public art in this space might look like. They discussed the stories that should be told and how to honor the history that shaped these blocks. The sessions provided an opportunity for collaboration among people from various neighborhoods to celebrate the shared history of Eutaw Place and the feedback gained from these sessions was used to develop the final report for this project.

Financial support for this project has been made possible by the Maryland State Art Council.

View the Final Planning Report by WGF Studio

Project Goals

The planning process will be directly informed by insight and feedback from the community. 

Compile stories to develop tangible artwork that acknowledges the area’s history of discriminatory practices and encourages a new path forward.

Foster a sense of community among all who live and work within these neighborhoods foraging a woven spirit of collaborative pride and belonging.

Leverage the transformative power of art to transform communities - inspire, engage and promote change.

Inspiration for Proposed Artwork

Due to the historic nature of Eutaw Place, the proposed artwork intends to be an illustrated representation of history. A modern-take on historical markers, 10-12 “story-markers” would be be placed in the parks in open locations, spaced from the 2000 block of Eutaw Place (just below North Avenue) and continue along the media parks until the 1200 block of Eutaw Place (Dolphin Street). Viewers would be invited to take in the artwork and the stories as they walk the length of this linear park and discover the stories of this historic space.

We intend to work with local artists to produce the images for the markers.

Please note: the examples shown below are for proposal only. The final direction and design will be determined through the collaborative engagement process with community input.

Project Partners

Whitney Frazier Studio: WGF Studio led by artist Whitney Frazier will lead the community engagement process and sessions for Eutaw Place to develop artwork. WGF is focuses on working with local youth and community artists to create a larger social impact.

No Boundaries Coalition: Providing community engagement to West Baltimore communities including flyer distribution, door-knocking and other engagement strategies.

Maryland State Art Council: Special thanks to the Maryland State Art Council for their financial support of this project through a Planning Grant to Midtown Baltimore.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Midtown Baltimore has secured a $10,000 New Artwork Planning grant from the Maryland State Art Council to cover expenses for planning and leading community engagement on this project.

    The installation costs, maintenance and fabrication of the final artwork will be raised using grant funding applied for by The Midtown Community Fund.

  • Midtown is encouraging members of the Druid Heights, Marble Hill, Madison Park and Bolton Hill communities to share their feedback and input during one of two community engagement sessions.

    Permission for this project is required by the following city agencies / partners:

    • Public Art Commission (BOPA)

    • CHAP / community ARC's

    • Rec & Parks

  • Midtown was approached by neighbors on Eutaw Place regarding the creation of public art for the upper portion of the linear park.

    This idea aligns with our visioning plan on investing heavily in creative placemaking and arts-based programming to drive community engagement and economic development within the area.

  • We intend to do an RFP for local artists who have a connection to the area.

  • The location allows for a diverse selection of residents to have their story told in the heart of an area with a layered history of racial divide.

    Prior to the Civil War, Baltimore was a diverse city, with homes of white and Black residents near one another on neighborhood streets and blocks. An increase in Black and European immigration, new public transportation, and the Great Baltimore Fire of 1904 led to the implementation of housing ordinances, homeowners associations, and block-busting that segregated Black Baltimoreans from whites, creating racial divides among neighborhoods and launching decades of systemic discriminatory housing laws and practices across the United States. The proposed public artwork will strive to bolster Midtown’s efforts to rectify these wrongdoings within its past and build a more equitable, inclusive community.

  • In addition to small group conversations, Midtown is following it's community engagement standards which include:

    • Sharing information at relevant community association meetings

    • Sharing the project with community association leadership

    • Promoting the project on all social media channels

    • Updated information to be shared in our monthly newsletters

    • No Boundaries Coalition is leading flyer distribution, phone banking and door knocking efforts

    • Lawn signs will be placed in and around areas surrounding Eutaw Place

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Please pass a link to this webpage or a copy of our project 1-sheet.